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Spoštovana bodoča študentka, spoštovani bodoči študent,

vabimo vas, da se nam v četrtek, 6. 5. 2021, pridružite na spletnih predstavitvah Univerze v Ljubljani. Predstavili vam bomo splošne informacije o študiju na Univerzi v Ljubljani, življenje v Sloveniji, ugodnosti študentskega statusa ter nekatere magistrske in doktorske študijske programe. Predstavitve so namenjene tujim kandidatkam in kandidatom za študij in bodo potekale v angleškem jeziku. Prav tako ste vabljeni k udeležbi na informativnih dnevih, kjer vam bomo predstavili magistrske in doktorske študijske programe ter možnosti za razvoj vaše karierne poti. Vabljeni, da preživite dan z nami, izveste vse o študiju in študijskih programih ter se srečate s predstavniki posameznih fakultet in akademij. Več informacij in prijavnica:

Tudi v letošnjem študijskem letu so članice Univerze v Ljubljani pripravile številne poletne šole z različnih področij: od ekonomsko-poslovnih ved in prava, socialnih ved do umetnosti, veterine, teoloških in tehničnih ved. Vabljeni k udeležbi.

Dear prospective student,

You are welcome to join us at the University of Ljubljana online presentations, which will be organized on 6th May 2021 in English. We will present the Slovenian educational system, living in Slovenia, the benefits of student's status, and some master and doctoral degree programs. The University of Ljubljana members (academies and faculties) will also organize information days for master and doctoral degree programs. During the information days, you will find out everything there is to know about our programs, different career options, and student life in Ljubljana. Spend a day attending online events, talking to staff and students, and getting answers to any questions which remain after examining our brochures and website More information and application:

Our members (faculties and academies) offer more than 20 summer school courses in 2021 from a wide variety of areas: from economic and business sciences, law, social sciences to art, theology, veterinary and technical sciences. The most traditional ones are the summer school programs organized by the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts: the 57th Seminar of Slovenian Language, Literature and Culture, and the 40th Summer School of Slovenian Language attracting more Slovenian language enthusiasts from all over the world each year. You can find more detailed information on the summer school courses at

We are inviting you to start your academic path with us, boost your personal and professional career options and become a valuable member of our proud and creative academic community